The School Choice Demonstration Project (SCDP) is an educational research project based within the University of Arkansas’ Department of Education Reform. The national team of researchers, institutional research partners, and staff of the SCDP are devoted to the rigorous and unbiased evaluation of school choice programs and other school improvement efforts across the country.
The SCDP is committed to raising and advancing the public’s understanding of the strengths and limitations of school choice policies and programs.
Dataset: “Charter school funding: Little progress towards equity in the city”
These data informed the following policy report: Johnson, A. H., McGee, J. B., Wolf, P. J., May, J. F., & Maloney, L. D. (2023, August). Charter school funding: Little progress towards equity in the city. School Choice Demonstration Project, University of...
Charter School Funding: Did Initial Pandemic Relief Advance Equity in the City?
Johnson, A. H., McGee, J. B., Wolf, P. J., May, J. F., & Maloney L. D. Charter School Funding: Did Initial Pandemic Relief Advance Equity in the City? School Choice Demonstration Project, 2023.
Still a Good Investment: Charter School Productivity in Nine Cities
Johnson, Alison H., McGee, Josh, B., Wolf, Patrick J., May, Jay F., Maloney, Larry, D. Still a Good Investment: Charter School Productivity in Nine Cities. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Charter School Funding: Little Progress Towards Equity in the City
Heape-Johnson, A., McGee, J. B., Wolf, P. J., May, J. F., & Maloney, L. D. (August 2023). Charter School Funding: Little Progress Towards Equity in the City. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Charter School Funding Disparities: Los Angeles, California
Heape-Johnson, A., McGee, Josh B., Wolf, Patrick J., Maloney, Larry D., & May, Jay F. (April 2023) Charter School Funding Disparities: Los Angeles, California. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Charter School Funding Inequities: Rochester, New York
McGee, Josh B., Wolf, Patrick J., & Maloney, Larry D. (January 2022). Charter School Funding Inequities: Rochester, New York. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Charter School Funding: Dispelling Myths about EMOs, Expenditure Patterns, & Nonpublic Dollars
Dills, Angela, Wolf, Patrick J, DeAngelis, Corey A., May, Jay F, Maloney, Larry D, & Syftestad, Cassidy (October 2021) Charter School Funding: Dispelling Myths about EMOs, Expenditure Patterns, & Nonpublic Dollars. School Choice Demonstration Project....
Charter School Funding Support for Students with Disabilities
Syftestad, Cassidy, Wolf, Patrick J, Tucker, Wendy, & Morando Rhim, Lauren (July 2021) Charter school funding support for students with disabilities. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Special Education Funding in Charter Schools: 18 City Snapshots
Hall, Simone, Lancet, Stephanie, & Tucker, Wendy (July 2021) Special Education Funding in Charter Schools: 18 City Snapshots. School Choice Demonstration Project.
The academic effects of private school choice: Summary of final year results from experimental studies
Patrick J. Wolf. The academic effects of private school choice: Summary of final year results from experimental studies.