The School Choice Demonstration Project (SCDP) is an educational research project based within the University of Arkansas’ Department of Education Reform. The national team of researchers, institutional research partners, and staff of the SCDP are devoted to the rigorous and unbiased evaluation of school choice programs and other school improvement efforts across the country.
The SCDP is committed to raising and advancing the public’s understanding of the strengths and limitations of school choice policies and programs.
The participant effects of private school vouchers around the globe: a meta-analytic and systematic review
Shakeel, M.D., Anderson, Kaitlin P., & Wolf, Patrick J. "The participant effects of private school vouchers around the globe: a meta-analytic and systemic review." School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 2021, Online First.
Education Freedom and Student Achievement: Is More School Choice Associated with Higher State-Level Performance on the NAEP?
Wolf, Patrick J., Greene, Jay P., Ladner, M., & Paul, James D. (2021) Education Freedom and Student Achievement: Is More School Choice Associated with Higher State-Level Performance on the NAEP? School Choice Demonstration Project, University of Arkansas...
Making it Count: The Productivity of Public Charter Schools in Seven U.S. Cities
DeAngelis, C., Wolf, P., Syftestad, C., Maloney, D., & May, J. (2021) Making it Count: The Productivity of Public Charter Schools in Seven U.S. Cities. School Choice Demonstration Project, University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform.
Charter School Funding: Inequity Surges in the Cities
DeAngelis, Corey A., Wolf, Patrick J., Maloney, Larry D., May, Jay F. (2020). Charter School Funding: Inequity Surges in the Cities. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas, Department of Education Reform.
How has the Louisiana Scholarship Program affected students? A comprehensive summary of effects after four years
Wolf, P. J., Mills, J. N., Sude, Y., Erickson, H. H., & Lee, M. L. (2019). Policy Brief.
Do you get cream with your choice? Characteristics of students who moved into or out of the Louisiana Scholarship Program
Sude, Y., & Wolf, P. J. (2019). EDRE Working Paper 2019-13.
The effect of the Louisiana Scholarship Program on college entrance
Erickson, H. H., Mills, J. N., & Wolf, P. J. (2019). EDRE Working Paper 2019-12.
Heterogeneous impacts across schools in the first four years of the Louisiana Scholarship Program
Lee, M. H., Mills, J. N., & Wolf, P. J. (2019). EDRE Working Paper 2019-11.
The effects of the Louisiana Scholarship Program on student achievement after four years
Mills, J. N., & Wolf, P. J. (2019). EDRE Working Paper 2019-10.
A good investment: The updated productivity of public charter schools in eight U.S. cities
DeAngelis, C. A., Wolf, P. J., Maloney, L. D., & May, J. F. (2019).