SCDP Research on Charter Schools
Dataset: “Charter school funding: Little progress towards equity in the city”
These data informed the following policy report: Johnson, A. H., McGee, J. B., Wolf, P. J., May, J. F., & Maloney, L. D. (2023, August). Charter school funding: Little progress towards equity in the city. School Choice Demonstration Project, University of...
Charter School Funding: Did Initial Pandemic Relief Advance Equity in the City?
Johnson, A. H., McGee, J. B., Wolf, P. J., May, J. F., & Maloney L. D. Charter School Funding: Did Initial Pandemic Relief Advance Equity in the City? School Choice Demonstration Project, 2023.
Still a Good Investment: Charter School Productivity in Nine Cities
Johnson, Alison H., McGee, Josh, B., Wolf, Patrick J., May, Jay F., Maloney, Larry, D. Still a Good Investment: Charter School Productivity in Nine Cities. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Charter School Funding: Little Progress Towards Equity in the City
Heape-Johnson, A., McGee, J. B., Wolf, P. J., May, J. F., & Maloney, L. D. (August 2023). Charter School Funding: Little Progress Towards Equity in the City. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Charter School Funding Disparities: Los Angeles, California
Heape-Johnson, A., McGee, Josh B., Wolf, Patrick J., Maloney, Larry D., & May, Jay F. (April 2023) Charter School Funding Disparities: Los Angeles, California. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Charter School Funding Inequities: Rochester, New York
McGee, Josh B., Wolf, Patrick J., & Maloney, Larry D. (January 2022). Charter School Funding Inequities: Rochester, New York. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Charter School Funding: Dispelling Myths about EMOs, Expenditure Patterns, & Nonpublic Dollars
Dills, Angela, Wolf, Patrick J, DeAngelis, Corey A., May, Jay F, Maloney, Larry D, & Syftestad, Cassidy (October 2021) Charter School Funding: Dispelling Myths about EMOs, Expenditure Patterns, & Nonpublic Dollars. School Choice Demonstration Project....
Charter School Funding Support for Students with Disabilities
Syftestad, Cassidy, Wolf, Patrick J, Tucker, Wendy, & Morando Rhim, Lauren (July 2021) Charter school funding support for students with disabilities. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Special Education Funding in Charter Schools: 18 City Snapshots
Hall, Simone, Lancet, Stephanie, & Tucker, Wendy (July 2021) Special Education Funding in Charter Schools: 18 City Snapshots. School Choice Demonstration Project.
Making it Count: The Productivity of Public Charter Schools in Seven U.S. Cities
DeAngelis, C., Wolf, P., Syftestad, C., Maloney, D., & May, J. (2021) Making it Count: The Productivity of Public Charter Schools in Seven U.S. Cities. School Choice Demonstration Project, University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform.